
Friday, January 27, 2012

My little sewing nook- and cabinet glazing love!

I have something very romantic to share with you today!

I have been procrastinating on posting this blog. Why? Maybe I really love my nook and I am worried what other folks will think of it? Because I took a ton of photos that will be in this post? Maybe because the painting and treatment of this gorgeous cabinet took so long that I am ready to be finished with it? haha

Our bedroom has needed some attention for awhile. We got a Baby Lock Tempo sewing machine as a wedding gift and I have been doing my stitching in our bedroom with out a proper way to store my fabric, scraps and current projects. It was so hideous that I did not take a before photo. I'm pretty bad about that. Just imagine the finished space with out the cabinet and with fabric, thread, pins etc all over the place!

We measured the wall above my sewing table, then I went to my favorite place, The Rebuilding Center and purchased a cabinet for $10. There was really nothing special about it. There were no shelves in it either, so we grabbed 2 melamine shelves that had to be cut to fit for only $2! I love that place!

Here are the before photos:

Y'all know how impatient I am, I didn't get a photo of the cabinet with the door still on. Glad I caught myself to take the before photos after I'd taken all of the hardware off.

It is really just a basic white cabinet, the sides are laminate. Hmmm I'd never finished laminate furniture before, but I figured it would be about the same as everything else since I planned to sand and prime everything anyway.

This is my inspiration piece!! 

It looks very romantic doesn't it?!

Here is a list of my supplies:

$10 cabinet and $2 shelves from Rebuilding center
320 grit (fine sand paper)
Foam roller
Foam brush
Scrap cotton fabric
Synthetic Bristled paint brush (I LOVE my Purdy Brushes!)
Kilz Primer
Sherwin Williams Summit Gray (or Behr)
Americana Mississippi Mud
Americana Glazing Medium
Minwax Polyacrylic 

Here are my supplies in all their glory:

1. I sanded my cabinet with 320 grit (very fine) sandpaper then primed it with 2 coats of Kilz. It takes a little under an hour for a coat to dry, so I was able to do this part one day during nap time :)

2. I wanted it to be in the same color scheme as the gray on the accent wall in our bedroom. So I decided that would be the base color. It is called Summit Gray by Sherwin Williams, but fortunately you can get it Home Depot at the fraction of the cost. Please see the photo above of the info sticker. This is the best gray I have ever found, there is no blue or purple in it. 

I slapped on 2 (or was it 3?) coats of Summit Gray. I sanded in between coats with my fine sand paper; it's worth it! I wanted all of my paint to cure before I started layering on all the glaze so I let it sit about 3 days. It was so. hard. to. wait...

3. I then knew that I wanted it to be shimmery, but not too metallic/silvery looking. I decided on Folk Art Metallic Pearl White, photographed above, and just crossed my fingers that it would give the look I wanted that I wanted. And it did :)

I mixed the Pearl White with the Glazing medium according to the instructions on the back of the glazing bottle, although I used less water to thin it out because I like to live on the edge ;)

4. I rolled this glaze mixture onto my cabinet with my foam roller and got in the little nooks with my foam brush. Once the first coat dried, it wasn't shimmery enough for me so I applied a second coat.

5. I wanted a little more texture. The shimmery was beautiful, but I wanted a slightly hammered look. I lightly sanded over the dried shimmery glazing treatment. Holding my breath that I didn't get this far and have to start all over. It looked great! Sigh of relief. I kinda fly by the seat of my pants on these things.

6. I mixed the Mississippi Mud with the glazing medium according to the package and I'm pretty sure I followed the directions this time :P

With my foam brush, I ran this mixture into all of the cracks and creases of my cabinet and dabbed it with my cotton cloth. This is a pretty tedious process and I did it two times over the cabinet. 

I also applied some of the Mud Glaze to the four corners of my cabinet door and patted them until they faded in toward the center, like the drawer fronts in my inspiration photo. I liked this so much that I then did it on the sides of the cabinets and so on. Dabbing with the foam brush and patting with the cotton cloth... I got a little too into it. I decided to leave it alone, let it dry and come back to check it out.

I loved it and didn't do any more!

7. I applied the polyacrylic all over with my paint brush, waited for it to dry according to the can's instructions, applied another coat, then waited for it to cure for three days! I could not wait for my hubs to get home from work on that third day so he could hang it on the wall!!!!

I just attached the old hardware back onto it until I could decide on a handle that I likes better.

Annnnnnnd here she is:

Oh I just love this addition to our bedroom and my sewing space! 
The photos don't even do her any justice!

All of my reclaimed linens have a home on the top shelf!

In this close up photo, you can see the texture and glazing treatment better.

This is the old scuffed up handle that came on the cabinet, I just haven't decided what handle to put on it yet. Now I want to do this to all of our bedroom furniture. Will I have the patience?

These are three handles that I picked up at the Rebuilding Center.

These handles can also be painted any color I'd like!

Help a sister out:

Which handle do you think I should put on the cabinet: A, B, or C?
What color do you think I should make the handle?

Monday, January 23, 2012

Antiquing Wire Baskets

I realized when I was talking photos of these beauties that I am really into making new things look old and old things look new! I Have been looking for something that is not too intrusive to go onto the gallery wall in our entry way that will hold our mail. I found these baskets at Marshalls and loved the rustic look of them:

But the words on them were silly, so I sanded them off.

And now they hold fruits and veggies in our Expedit room divider.

I decided I wanted something similar looking in our entry to hold in coming and out going mail. I found these wire baskets in the bathroom section in Ikea and immediately thought they'd be perfect! Well, with a little sanding and staining :)

They were only $2.99 each! Ya can't beat that with a stick!

Here they are!

Cute, right?!

Here is a before meets after shot.

Up close you can see the spots that have been sanded. I used very coarse sand paper first, then went over it with very fine sandpaper, about 320 grit. The key is to not get all perfectionist on it.

I then took a sponge brush and dabbed on brown stain making sure to get in all of the little creases. I let it dry over night then sprayed it with Rustoleum crystal clear enamel to seal them.

Look how stark this baby was before I showed it a little love and attention. The white is great for perhaps a darker wall, or a different space. But I love the contrast of the aged basket to the cream color of my light wall. It looks more like art.

Now all they need are labels!

How do you store your incoming and outgoing mail?

I linked up!



Monday, January 16, 2012

Book Rails from Old Weathered Wood

I should start by telling y'all that Ana White has the most amazing plans and tutorials for the home. These book rails were inspired by the book rails that she has in her daughter's room:

Nursery Room Book Shelves from $10 Ledge Plan

Aren't they adorable?! Ana has great plans!

We had this weird thing by our front door when we moved in, it was wooden and had ivy all over it. I don't think that I have a photo of that crazy weird thing. Really, it scared me since I always imagined someone hiding behind it when I get home... so we tore it down, took it apart, and had the wood sitting on the side of our house for over a year. Weathering to perfection. Last week we turned them into these book rails, and I'm in love!

It makes our tiny hallway look way larger and it is so functional. Finally we have space to put all of our books in one family library!

Do you have books all over your house or a family library?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Tough night as a step mom...

I'm not too emotional on the internet. Really, I allow many things to roll off of my back. But tonight is a tough night and I need to vent. I chose to do it on my blog for two reasons, first off, I don't even know if anyone even reads what I post or even cares about what I post and second if anyone is reading, I'd like to know that there is someone out there who can either relate or mutter some words (that I'll later repeat to myself) that could guide me through future tough nights like this. The truth is, they happen about once a month.

You see, my bonus daughters come stay with us every third weekend, then we have them for 9 consecutive weeks during the summer. They live in Bend, Oregon. It's 3.5 hours to drive there and 3.5 hours to drive back from there; over the big mountain (Hood) and through the snow Dec-March/April. My amazing husband makes this drive on every third Friday after working a full day at work; he drives all the way down and brings them all the way back. They usually get home around 9:30 pm, which is pretty late for a 4 and 6 year old. We feel it is important to be a family and for them to know that we are family. So we do it. I spend most of my day on the friday that he leaves cleaning the house and preparing meals for the weekend so that we can spend most of our time together having fun. I also spend a lot of time worrying about David being in the car in those weather conditions.

Every time he picks them up the little one always throws a total fit. And his heartbreak starts all over again. They both break their daddy's heart. I hate standing by to see that. It's the same things every time that we talk to the little one about what's wrong and why she doesn't want to come to her Portland home. "You never buy us anything." And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen! All of the things that I have come to despise about our modern American culture is being instilled in these two little girls who happen to (also) call me mom. They get every little thing that they ask for.

What ever happened:
To discipline?
To working for what you have?
To taking care of the things that you own?
To using your imagination to entertain yourself?

I could seriously cry. And maybe I have. a little. or maybe a lot.

We have rules in our house and we will stick to them. No matter what.

Although they are not here all the time during the year, they are here for the majority of the summer. They have a little brother who adores them. I don't want them to infuse him with the ideals that have been set by the woman they spend most of their time with. Period.

Don't get me wrong, I love them. It is very hard sometimes, and I struggle with the guilt of "do I love them enough?" But honestly, during the summer when they are at their Portland home, they have manners, they use their muscles, they do chores, dress in modest clothing, listen to actual kids' music and turn into absolutely delightful little girls.

Now, please, if you have read this rant of mine, say something. Anything that I can repeat as a mantra to get me through the next tough Friday night. It'll be here in about 3 weeks.

And if you have stuck around to read all of this, thank you. It is raw and real.


Ikea Storage Box Facelift!!

I have the Expedit room divider from Ikea, and I am in total revamp mode this new year. It needs some updating along with everything else in this house. I want to freshen it up, add some pops of color and spend very little money doing it. When I say very little money, I mean that I want to only drop a couple bucks on this redo. 

We have a ton of red in our home, which we both love, but we are trying to incorporate a bit more turquoise as well. We are inspired by our Chirp china by Lenox that also adorns our room divider.

Here's a photo of it:
Lenox Simply Fine Dinnerware, Chirp Square 4 Piece Place Setting
I decided that I would just update the Ikea Expedit storage boxes that I have by painting them turquoise. This was one project that I started off holding my breath and dropping all attachment to what it *should* look like. I even decided that I'd start with the bottom of the box just in case I messed it up! It turned out waaaaaay better than I would have ever thought.

Seriously, isn't this adorable?! 
This technique actually made the box, which is really made out of cardboard look like wood!! It looks way more quality and shabby chic!

You want to know how I did it?

Grab your supplies:

1. Ikea Box old or new
2. Paint: I used Craft Smart Turquoise
3. DuraClear Varnish
4. Paintbrush
5. Fine 220 or higher grit sandpaper 

Step 1.
Paint your box

Step 2.
Sand your box all over making sure to get the edges and select areas that you want the under lying color to show through.

Step 3.
Wipe the paint dust off.

Step 4.
Paint Clear varnish on the box, be aware of the brush strokes, they will show up unless you use a roller. I like the brush strokes on this particular project. It gives the illusion of wood grain. 

Step 5.
Let it dry and smile from ear to ear because you are finished and your box looks amazing!

I have more painting to do. I might paint a couple boxes white and let the red show through... options, options!

I love it!!

What project have you worked on that turned out better than you thought it's be?


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Some DIY Inspiration

So Preston and I went to Homegoods and Marshalls with the intention of inspiration. While he chomped on his banana flavored mum-mums I snapped some photos of things I'd like to DIY. These three things really spoke to me!

I love this night stand/end table with little lockers- swoon!

I'm digging the stripes and the curves of this piece of furniture. But not the yellow.

In this photo, it's kind of hard to tell what this is, but I'll tell's a basket made out of chicken wire.
 so. freakin'. cute.

Yes, these photos were snapped with my iPhone, so not the best shots ever. But this is better than reality tv, y'all! ;)

What's at the top of your DIY list?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Utilizing space under the couch!

I have mentioned that I have been going nuts on this house organizing. 
While this is not the fanciest thing that I have ever come up with, it is functional and clean. I went a little crazy at Target buying containers during their home storage sale last week. Ok, I went a lot crazy. I totally fell in love with these containers that are similar to the under the bed storage containers by Sterilite only they are half the length and way easier to maneuver. I am tired of having things out all over the place, so much of our storage is out in the open which is cute, but seriously y'all, enough is enough! 

So... here it is: 

Very unassuming, right?! Just Preston's little pal Scout chillin' on the couch. 
(With a little blur in the photo, I just could not get any great shots today!)

But look what is under that wrinkled little couch skirt!

There's our storage! Right underneath the couch, isn't that refreshing?!

I even made these awesome little labels!

I had David laminate them at work then we sealed them on to the containers with packing tape. Since one of our little girls loves to destroy things we wanted to make sure they were super secure.

A place for everything and everything in its place!!

Have you jumped on the organizing band wagon this year?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thrifty Organization Solution for the small stuff...

Now, I need to let you know that I might be a little too excited about this storage solution!!

I have some make up that I use every day and then some for back up and some for special occasions, you know, different eye shadow colors and different kinds of eyeliners. The makeup that I use daily lives in the top drawer of the master bathroom, right next to my tooth brush... All of the other makeup was in a really cool roll up bag (from Mary Kay), but was adding to the clutter feeling in our space. I have been overhauling this house this past week and although Target has had an incredible sale on storage solutions, I keep finding little things that I want to change spur the moment. I have got to put a limit on spending somewhere! Today, I came up with a very simple and thrifty storage solution for all of this extra makeup from things that I already had! Love it when that happens!!

I had these blue paper cups left over from Preston's first birthday party, and empty plastic shoe box and an empty tea box from some raspberry tea we just finished drinking. Look how nicely it all fits! Everything has its own place in a little cubby :)

The lid snaps on just right with those eyeliner pencils laying down in the tea box. I don't have it pictured here, but I also have two bottles of perfume that I put in the middle of the box, this keeps my cups from sliding around. You could use tape on the bottom of the cups if you wanted.

Now this spare/excess/special occasion makeup has its own space and lives snuggly in the cabinet of the master bathroom, and I didn't spend a dime!

What is a clutter creator in your bathroom?

I linked up to A Bowl Full of Lemons!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Washcloth Cupcakes- a baby shower gift

My sweet friend is going to a baby shower this evening and needed a gift, so I whipped up a batch of washcloth cupcakes. Don't they look delightful?! Two washcloths per cupcake, the mommy-to-be digs primary colors! As a momma, I know you can never have too many washcloths with a little one. There's always something to wipe up!

So I have been away from my computer for a couple of days working on some major house overhaul and some incredible storage solutions as well as some diy projects. Stay tuned for some tutorials and shots of what has been going on around the Dannerville Manor!

What is your favorite baby shower gift idea?