
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Kale Flowers

Did you know that you can eat the flowers from Kale?! 

We planted some organic kale in our garden last year and it was amazing. It kept growing and growing. We finally got out into the yard this past (sunny!) weekend and got some work done, which included chopping down the kale that was starting to take over. As I was trimming all of the leaves off, I noticed that the buds and flowers on the tips of the kale looked an awful lot like broccoli rabe. I decided to trim off these pieces as well, separating them from the leaves. 

We washed them, then boiled them for only a couple minutes so that they were still a little crisp. I then tossed a little minced garlic in the frying pan with some olive oil and added my flowers and buds. O.M.Goodness! 

They were so sweet and tender as well as crisp. They were so fresh and delightful that Happy Hubby and I almost fought over the last bite! 

I wish we had more.... 

When we see flowering kale in the neighborhood these days, we're pretty tempted to snatch it! I don't think folks know what a treat these are!

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