
Monday, May 7, 2012

What is yoga?

What is yoga? 

    I would have to say that it is the art of falling in love with yourself no matter how insufficient, clumsy, needy or broken you feel. Yoga is a practice of paying attention, utilizing your intuition, and the process of squeezing out everything that does not serve you in order to make room for what does, so that you may heal. It is creating space to observe yourself so that you can accept  bliss and  humility with grace by narrowing the gap between the two. Yoga is making a commitment to observe what is real, not what you or anyone else tells you is true, so that you may provide only truth to everyone you meet. It is the engagement of your entire being around the fire in your heart that dances, plays and sings but also struggles, weeps, and shrinks so that you may experience the abundance of each day.  Yoga begins by drawing you into a physical practice- maybe a very traditional one or maybe one that is more modern. Somehow, someway, it makes you feel whole almost like you have finally found this "something" that had been missing all the time. Really, the system of postures, pranayama (or breathing), drishti (gaze), and meditation bring you back to everything that you always have been; a perfect whole and complete individual. In my classes, you will learn to turn on your light so that you can excavate all of your radiance and shine. 

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