
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tea Party Tub Time

It rains here in Portland, a lot. 

When you have a curious toddler, it gets kinda tough this time of year. It seems that there are only so many things we can do in the house. Sure, we go out in the rain sometimes but it's really not a desirable situation. 

I have been brainstorming to conjure up activities, other that plopping my little man down in front of the television or reading to him until my tongue is swollen and dry.

Preston's favorite thing about summer is being able to play in the water. 
So, I decided to bring it indoors, but not as a traditional bath time.

I got a huge mixing bowl and filled it with water and put our green toys tea party set in the tub. I put on Mr. P's bathing suit and placed him in the tub for his bath tub tea party!

I stayed in there the whole time with him, sitting on a blanket. I let him play on his own, problem solving, pouring and sipping from tiny tea cups...

It lasted two whole hours!

I read blogs, got sucked into Pinterest (the surfed my way out), read a pile of magazines that had been waiting on my attention, and then picked up a book!

Eventually I got bored and took him out, but I think he would have kept playing quite a while more!
If you're looking for some time to catch up on reading materials and something to entertain and educate your two year old, maybe you'll have success with 

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